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Moving Blocks by Mediatracker

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Moving Blocks by Mediatracker

Postby Housekeepr » 23.06.2010, 15:01


In some RPG maps found a very sweet way, where u symbolic need to unlock a room, u see a massive block or a stadium car standing on a block, which moves aside, when u "archieved a symbol/power/item or made a certain CP"
I wonder, how do i make such a moving block... I really have no idea... I tried some things. But it didnt help me out...

Thanks for any help i can get...
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Postby MadeAnonymous » 23.06.2010, 15:21

this is actually car ghosts where the car is modeled as a block.
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Postby Housekeepr » 23.06.2010, 17:06

So I have to create a ghost who drives from block A to B ?

Or can i create a ghost in another map and put over in the one im making?
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Postby HawkGer » 23.06.2010, 22:33

To avoid the filesize from getting too big you should keep the ghost's length as short as possible. Recording on a seperate map and importing it is possible, more here: Mania Creative - Tutorial - Mediatracker Commonly used effects
Small tutorial for 3D skins: Trackmania RPG blog: 3D models conversion tutorial - extending model sizes
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Postby sol666 » 24.06.2010, 10:15

the most simple and effective way to record a ghost for an opening door for example is:

- open your track and place the car on the block where the door is supposed to stand while it is closed
- stand there for a few seconds until the car doesn't move anymore
- press "s" to save a replay
- drive into the direction in which the door is supposed to open
- press "s" again to save that replay
- import the closed door replay into a group in ingame mt
- set start offset to four seconds (the car won't move then)
- set the replay to endless play (it will stay "closed" until the next trigger is activated)
- import the opening door replay into a new group in ingame mt
- set start offset to whatever makes the car move (gotta try a bit until you find the correct offset)
- set it to endless play (it will stay "open" until the next trigger is activated)

this way, it doesn't matter how much scenery your track already has. replays will only last some seconds, so the filesize is minimal. you can easily use a hundred of those replays without making the track too big for online play (i used 143 ghosts in a dragons' tale for example). you don't have to rebuilt parts of the track and your car will be positioned exactly where the "door" needs to be placed (which gets pretty impossible if you start from somewhere else on the track).

edit: uploaded the skin of a StadiumCircuitBase: http://www.trackmania-rpg.com/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=30
Last edited by sol666 on 24.06.2010, 10:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Housekeepr » 05.07.2010, 11:48

Thank you very much, Im gonna try that, I played some of your RPG maps, they are great to play, Im trying to make a map for the contest but im pretty new to building, blockmixing and im a MT noob... but im gonna try anyway, This will help me a good way out.

Thanks again!
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Postby fish » 05.08.2010, 12:52

someone can explain this ' triggered ' " not triggered " stuff to me??
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Postby MadeAnonymous » 05.08.2010, 13:35

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Postby fish » 11.08.2010, 09:29

thanks a lot Tec" ;)
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