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Toggle object bounding box?

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Toggle object bounding box?

Postby pjw » 01.01.2014, 03:36

Is there some way to toggle/hide the green transparent bounding box that's around objects in TM2?

I'm working on my first rpg map, and the bounding box gets in the way and makes it much more difficult to see when objects are lined up or when they're still a little off, and I'm hoping there's some shortcut or key that I don't know about...
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Postby XT3 » 01.01.2014, 03:38

Turn on helpers. I use it to help create my maps when I need to see it the squares and no its not possible to my knowledge to turn it off.
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Postby pjw » 01.01.2014, 03:50

XT3 wrote:Turn on helpers. I use it to help create my maps when I need to see it the squares and no its not possible to my knowledge to turn it off.

Thanks for the quick reply. :) I've never had that turned on, so I may be missing something. Is there something that helpers gives you other than the white grid? I know about alt-freelook mode, and use it...is there something else I'm missing?
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Postby eie » 01.01.2014, 03:53

AFAIK nothing you or anyone else can do about it. You'll just have to get used to it :)

Try learning how an object are oriented within the bounding box, I know it's not correct for water, nor for the transparent pipes, although sometimes the box is useful. If you, for example try to align two pipes, remember that the top of the box should be at the same height as the top of the last pipe.
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Postby pjw » 01.01.2014, 05:32

Oh well...so it goes. I was hoping. :) Thanks again.
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Postby HawkGer » 01.01.2014, 05:36

Toggle object bounding box
I will mention this feature in my next PM to Hylis. Maybe Nadeo can do something about it :)
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Postby XT3 » 01.01.2014, 05:41

Would be nice in a great way
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Postby pjw » 01.01.2014, 18:20

HawkGer wrote:
Toggle object bounding box
I will mention this feature in my next PM to Hylis. Maybe Nadeo can do something about it :)

That would be fantastic.

I am not a coder, but it seems like it would be a simple thing to implement--I notice that if you have an object selected, the bounding box turns off already if you happen to move your mouse cursor over another object in the menu tree, so the functionality is already "there"...sort of. :)
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Postby maxi031 » 01.01.2014, 18:34

Maybe even better to have transparency level we can set. Since it is already semy transparent should not be problem to implement.
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