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water mixing

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water mixing

Postby kaze. » 16.06.2013, 08:05

heya guys i got 3 questions about water mixing that i would like to ask.

i'll start with the easy ones :D

1) what is the difference in stadiumwater and stadiumwaterclip in CE? i already tried doing some BM with stadiumwaterclip, but nothing happened.

2) how do you make it possible to drive on top of the water?

3) how do you make it possible to build something inside water?

what i mean is: when i blockmix water to another altittude, i am unable to build anything inside of it. because if i do the water just dissapears...

for some reason i'm unable to add pics in this post :s it says that my post can only be 15,000 characters long.

thanks for the help :)
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Postby luckypech » 16.06.2013, 10:30

1) I don't think the stadiumwaterclip does anything, but i can be wrong.
2) Driving on top of water is done by blockmixing the water block with another block like CircuitBase, InflatableSupport,...
This link could help: [Tutorial] Advanced blockmix technique
3) Add another "water" block to the same place and this should fix the problem (in CE you should have 2 blocks being stadiumwater at the same place)
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Postby Panasco » 16.06.2013, 10:31

1) Sry, can't answer that :D
2) Just mix the StadiumFabricCross1x1 into the water (see 3) )
3) Yes, whenever you mix something into water or directly on top of it, it will dissappear. You have to mix water in there once again, so basically two StadiumWater in the same place :!: Same with the natural grass when you place a block on z=1 that normally can only be placed higher than 1; just mix a second grass into that spot, and it will reappear :thumbup:
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Postby Panasco » 16.06.2013, 10:32

Damn, one minute too late :D
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Postby kaze. » 16.06.2013, 14:03

thank you both for the quick replys. :)

those were some question that i wanted to now for long time now :D
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Postby holzbalken » 16.06.2013, 16:51

the waterclip actually does the exact same as a grassclip - you cant actually mix it (at least not in the usual "mix" sense), but it kinda represents the "glue" between certain block-connections. if you, for example, build a streetcp-block you got those yellow patterns on both sides - if you now add a normal street in the ingame-editor the streets automatically connect. that's what the clip does.
the "water" in that case kinda only represents the surface of the placed block.
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