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TMmods a new mod site

PostPosted: 21.05.2012, 19:42
by XT3
Well i am making a new mod site for Trackmania mods and TMmods is the new mod site that i have made. I have seen others ask why hasnt someone else made a new site for mods so I deceded to make one if no one else has. I know we have one for RPG maps though i do think we need a site for all of them. I have 52 mods entres on the site most are of mods from the mod page on TRackmania RPG BLog with the same summeries and picture.

As the file size upload is very small, ;( I would suggest using another file hosting site to host the mod and link to the download page of the mod. I do hope this helps both the RPG community and all the others just check it out and add some enteries of your own of mods. :D

PostPosted: 22.05.2012, 14:47
by Tabasco
Thank you, but many people use: Directory Listing of /Trackmania/
Directory Listing of /Trackmania2/Mods/

many mods and mapbuilder dont chang this mod url.....i think

PostPosted: 22.05.2012, 17:52
by XT3
I do like those but i just want to be able to know what envirement they belong to and pictures and this site all it does is leads you to where to download the mods. So i do agree that it might not be used but i am going to try to get in contact with from TM-forums who hosted the original Tmmod site. So i can replace all the old mods onto the site, If i can then old mods that we cannot find anywhere can be rehosted .

Also i feel that a quick description of the mods would be usefull and the site allows for rating of mod. If others add to it it might be able to gain alot of vistors. I'm going to be hosting all of my mods on TMmods

PostPosted: 22.05.2012, 22:09
by dose
Before we had the site TMMOD but it is closed.

Do not waste your time doing this site;)
I have already created one but I finally found it useless.
The mods, we know them almost all even without the images.
I must admit that with the images I liked but it took me too long to set up each image. I downloaded the mod and took each of the "LOADSCREEN". Unfortunately many mods do not have "loadscreen", which obliged me to abandon.

I personally using vinummusik for mods, otherwise there is the presentation page of mods.

-I had even asked the same question a little bit ago and got the same answer, for the same reason.

I do not want to disappoint you but I think the list is sufficient on Vinummusik.
good luck!

URL can't be changed too ;)

PostPosted: 24.05.2012, 18:06
by XT3
I se your point i wasnt trying to replace any mod site. I was trying to make a site where you can find a list of mods and where to get them. I'll still work on it but i will trake your words of advice