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Longest FS track

PostPosted: 18.12.2010, 09:17
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Offtopic, but as i know RPG-freaks love special things:
Longest FS track (respawnable)
Nice idea with the ghosts to show way :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 18.12.2010, 12:57
by Promaxer
Awarded its just great ^^

PostPosted: 18.12.2010, 17:41
by Mario
drove 30 minuts, then finish and... lost cp

PostPosted: 30.12.2010, 13:29
by MadeAnonymous
this is not the longest.. Anonymous's RPG/trial server was previously Anonymous's marathon server, and we had a lot longer maps there :>