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PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 13:41
by dose
Hi , as a mod creator and just finish to work on "halloween mod"
i am now craving to do the next one!!
I have ideals but would want to ask all of you first.

My question:

What could be the Mod you would want to be created ?

think of a theme ;)

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 13:57
by Promaxer
A new futurific one, a new egyptian or a new stone one :dance:

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 14:22
by Housekeepr
Hmm what about a Western mod? for the cowboys (dirt-rpg builders) ? :wayne:

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 15:02
by eie
An urban mod, representing things from a city. (skyscrapers, freeway, etc.)

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 15:34
by trunks_11
HouseKeepR wrote:
Hmm what about a Western mod? for the cowboys (dirt-rpg builders) ? :wayne:

There is a western mod by hawk :chinese:

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 16:39
by Igntul
that's just what i needed.. a new mod...
Me and Hawk tried to get some good textures for it, but nothing really good came out...
as i said in a post some weeks ago, i'm remaking Venezia and i want something different than the Asphalt Tango mod, a real Venice mod...
do you think you can do that? ^^

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 19:14
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Nice and light weight mod. No nasty colors, convenient for the eyes, like metropolis mod (only 5 mb), not much loading.

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 22:04
by dose
Oooo, so nice ideals!!!
but the one i want to try now is "VENISE"

@Promaxer: I almost finish a stone mod called "rock'n'dust", will post pics soon!
@eie: i like the ideal of Urban streets mod ;) i have a lot of texture for that ,will try too!!
@-|MfG|-Big Al

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 22:52
by Housekeepr
eie wrote:An urban mod, representing things from a city. (skyscrapers, freeway, etc.)

I have all skins from Maniacity what was released from the Mania Creative Team.

I can put in the Eiffel Tower if u like (talking about sky scrapers :P)

PostPosted: 12.12.2010, 23:17
by popgun
Hi all,

I've been a bit quiet recently because I'm working on the FullSpectrumMod and a big track to go with it. BUT.. while making it there are 2 textures in it that I think could be made into their own mods: Image This one is simple triangles added to give a ventilation ducting effect with subtle colour changes in the mipmaps. This could easily be made 'metallic' and could look cool or..

Why not be seasonal and try a Christmas tree decoration bauble mod. You know, metallic, shiney and glitter. Bit like this..
Image here just used on the pipes and a bit basic, but again with subtle colour changes if you look closely.
There's 2 ideas that I won't follow up if someone else wants too.

BTW Full Spectrum track end of week, currently adding easter eggs and sounds.


PostPosted: 13.12.2010, 04:29
by dose
@Popgun: your textures looks fantastic! I think the one in #1 could have is own mod.I see a futuristic pastel world kind of tron mod.

So tonight after reading all your replies, I have try to find texture from italy and/or venice and it start to grow a bit.
the first thing i think the mod needs is; red and white spiral poles, the one found in the water to hang the gondoles inplaces.
I took the pole from ingame fabrics, i made a mix between wood and metal and paint it red and white.
I have then start to work on the windows (still need work) and the StadiumCircuit (need work here too).Since the Stadium circuit was not all done, i did a panel (advertisement) made from doors from venices streets.very simple, just to have the ideal ;)Then , i made a part of gondole that i put on screen ingame.

I made a short challenge, just to have this short video intro, to show you!


PostPosted: 13.12.2010, 18:45
by HawkGer
Looking fabulous! I'm glad the Venezian mod project is being picked up :)
Two more quick ideas for mods: Coral reef and rain forest. Missing the nature in mods a bit. Doesn't have to be completely 100% nature...mixed with some stones or whatever it would look original imo.

PostPosted: 13.12.2010, 19:22
by trunks_11
yes, nice work dose, but i don

PostPosted: 13.12.2010, 21:45
by Promaxer
So many ideas, and their all so beutiful :) love that new venice mod :vain:

PostPosted: 16.12.2010, 07:52
by dose

I was wondering if you hade already start your Venezian Project?
If there is one , could you try the textures i made for the Venezian mod and tell me if first you like it or not.
Of course i did'nt finish it yet.( grass - boosts - parking- dirt - airship and some other little part are not done yet )

As you can see on the pictures, i did'nt kept the poles red, it was very bad looking on the big domes ;)


Here a sneak peek of my work :


So what U guy's think of it ;)

PostPosted: 16.12.2010, 08:00
by Promaxer
Great :phatgrin:

PostPosted: 16.12.2010, 08:29
by Housekeepr
w00t nice work D@se !

I think Igntul can start working on Venezia v2 oO

PostPosted: 16.12.2010, 09:45
by HawkGer
d@se...I think Igntul had sent you the textures I already made some time least that's what he told me. Your mod is looking much better though than mine so maybe you don't even need them...

PostPosted: 16.12.2010, 13:29
by dose
Ah, sorry , i thought the mod was for you ;)
But no i did not receive nothing from igntul.

as you said HouseKeepR....Venezia v2 Can almost finish ;)

@Igntul, i will send you a copy of the mod when done.

Happy you guy's like it !!!


The Mod is finished !!
This is the load screen

*Will post the mod screenshots and link on mod page . :modo: