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my nickname stands for .....

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 18:30
by dose
Hi everyone, i was wondering the meaning of some of your nicknames guy's!!
I saw a question somewhere (Igntul) about someone asking what's EIE stand's for.
So i thought it was a good ideal that YOU present the origine of your nickname !!

D@se (was Dose57) :

I have choose this nickname way before i start playing TM.I'm a music composer since 20 years now and always used this nickname as artist name.Since last year i have change this artist name to "SP1N3R" but kept this nickname for TM .Since then i've been knowed as D@SE .Btw the"@" in my nickname just mean "o" differently writen.
Dose is just the 2 first letter of my name and the 2 last of my family name ;)

What's your story ? :hmm:

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 18:51
by Tabasco
When i play online games for the first time i choose olineu1

that was not so good, i search for another................but which???

i saw a bottle Tabasco in a homepage and think great name.........

done and take it in all games that i play online...............

But stand for nothing.................

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 19:13
by DisGo
I had a lot of names.. but disgo is DIScopoGo a song by the Atzen ;)

short little story :)

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 19:25
by trunks_11
DiscoPogo klingelingeling, alle atzen sing'n


A traditional german song :D

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 19:56
by nom²

i like to eat

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 19:58
by dope!
my name stands for the band dope, which i listened to 1.5 years ago..
and the exclamation mark stands for nothing^^
although i dont listen to them that often anymore, i got known by many players with that name, so i decided to let it.

litte video of them, dont be scared xD

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 20:03
by Housekeepr
My Name... when i started playing Unreal Tournament 2003 i needed a nickname... I was watching TV and there was a Housekeeper working, So i made HouseKeepR and use it for all games i played, sincerly its a name u dont see much :)

Nothing more :)

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 20:11
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Always keeping same nick, in every game, since many years. So i often meet players i know of other games.

Big Al = I

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 20:58
by ZiZa
Since my last name starts with a Z and is quite long and hard to spell, people startet to call me ZiZa.
That was about 13 years ago back in my school-time.

Today, still some of my friends call me ZiZa, i really got used to it, and its the perfect nickname for internet-stuff


PS: Iggy told me there is even a meaning to this name/word :dash:

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 21:52
by Promaxer
My nickname has no story, but some evolution

Here's my evolution:

1st: i was CS_Promax (its my steam name and my first related to promaxer) - because i loved Counter Strike. :sniper:
2nd: Promax(my abreviation for "PRO"fessional at "MAX"imun) - because on school i played tm in a war w/ my buddies and they called me a pro, because i always finish in 1st against them.

and then Promaxer cause i remember to put a "er" to make it easier for my friends to say it.

And i think thats all.


Now i enjoyed most of people's meaning of their nicknames.

Cheerz all! :beer:

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 22:51
by HawkGer
Hawk - stands for my real name Hauke + Hawk's kick ass :D
Ger - Part of my last name + short for Germany + I pronounce it [Gear]....the HawkGear ^^

PostPosted: 08.12.2010, 03:39
by dose
nice replys guy'S thanks for this ;)

@ Hawk, I thought you were pronouncing "grrrrr" like the sound of an hawk ^^
@tabasco, You made me laugh =)) a chance it was'nt a bottle of WORCESTERSHIRE :dash:
@housekeepR, Noooooo!!!? Now this is how i see you now ;) ha ha ha ha !!!sexy!

I forgot to say the meaning of DOSE; simply like having a dose of happiness , having a dose of adrenaline(merry chrismas!), etc...;)

PostPosted: 08.12.2010, 07:29
by Housekeepr
@D@se, thats a Housekeepster! :P

I always did sweep the defence in Capture the Flag on UT 2004... So in a basic way i was an HouseKeepR ;)

PostPosted: 08.12.2010, 15:56
by kiter_g1234
i just got my nickname, because of my hobby...

PostPosted: 08.12.2010, 20:51
by Shortz

PostPosted: 09.12.2010, 20:44
by ??¹ [Pajero] Jonas
>>swe<< is the clan/team/community
[Pajero] is because I looove my 1988 Mitsubishi Pajero Canvas 2600
from the beginning it was kind of a mock of all players saying "i want to be in clan can i join clan" and so on, so I made my own clan :D

Jonas ...well thats my real name

PostPosted: 09.12.2010, 20:47
by Tabasco
Nice Car......32" wheels?

Until last year i have suzuki vitara V6................

Invite SWE ^^

PostPosted: 10.12.2010, 22:46
by occam

PostPosted: 11.12.2010, 00:06
by Kiyo
My nickname is from a character in the manga "Prince of Tennis". His name is Kiyosumi Sengoku, and he's meant to be a very lucky guy in everything. Like i am :)

So first i was called Kiyosumi, which was shorten to Kiyo a few months later.

Prince of Tennis - Sengoku Kiyosumi

PostPosted: 11.12.2010, 10:04
by Igntul
My name has always been Igntul, everywhere, i liked that name even tho it might sound bad to spell (actually italian has got a particular sound for "gn", so it sounds more smooth to me than to you..)
as many of you knows, "ign" comes from my real first name Ignazio, (and actually it's a coincidence that I. is my first name, G. my second name, and N. my second surname ^^ )
while tul is the first 3 letters of my surname, even though i like ppl to call me ign instead of igntul which sounds too "formal"
I also like that both in real life and in TM people call me ign...

ZiZa wrote:PS: Iggy told me there is even a meaning to this name/word :dash:


PostPosted: 11.12.2010, 16:25
by dose
funny how we see other nickname before the explanation ;)

Like you Igntul, i thought the IGN, mean "IGNition" like in a car ignition key, and the tul, was a sound-like "tool" as mechanical tools !

thank you all for your replies ! this will be good memories in a couples of they all kept they're nick's !?

PostPosted: 11.12.2010, 19:57
by trunks_11
D@se wrote:Like you Igntul, i thought the IGN, mean "IGNition" like in a car ignition key, and the tul, was a sound-like "tool" as mechanical tools !
Ah, now i undestand igns new name :search:

PostPosted: 11.12.2010, 20:03
by Igntul
O_o no my "new" name has got a link(if you click on "tool") which leads to the TMN account in TMU servers tool...

PostPosted: 11.12.2010, 20:03
by eie
I wish I could tell the real origin of my username; but I don't remember anymore. =))

PostPosted: 11.12.2010, 21:34
by trunks_11
In german we would say: eieiei, wie kann man das nur vergessen
