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All Points bulletin

PostPosted: 01.07.2010, 21:45
by Vklf
Any one else of u playing APB ? (link)

If u do, or you are planning to, u can find me as Enforcer on the Obeya server.
(Charname= Vklf)

PostPosted: 02.07.2010, 08:38
by heartX
maybe introduce your game a bit ;)

PostPosted: 02.07.2010, 12:23
by trunks_11
What is apb?

PostPosted: 02.07.2010, 15:19
by heartX
apb - all points bulletin
I think. :whistling:

PostPosted: 02.07.2010, 16:31
by trunks_11
AH! :rolleyes: I looks like a shooter^^ :evil:

PostPosted: 02.07.2010, 16:44
by Vklf
Lol guys, press the Link in my post ;)