by Igntul » 21.07.2010, 14:27
indeed, too hard to say only one mapper...
but not for me ;p
well many RPG builders are at the same level, i have like 15 "favourite" mappers, but i want to say the most stunning, fun to play, atmospheric, innovative, challenging, and nostalgic tracks are the by .maX
a mapper with a endless creativity and awesome ideas and representation of them is fish
i love the building style of golo too, and katodik
and stromek, kryw, enai siaion, Anonymous, eie, paul, zulu, solix, ybonex are creators of great adventures too
i admire sol666's MT skills but i think only MT based maps are more story maps than RPG maps, and i hope to see in his next maps more entertaining tricks and new ideas other than only MT