Hey fallen.soul, good to see you again in this forum and yeah indeed, that pic is very cool...I used it so often on graphics for RPG ^^ I couldn't remember all the people in the pic because I was always working with a version without names. Great to see the names again
Posted: 02.02.2014, 21:11
by beep
pic is 26/07/2009
omg time passed so fast!!!
Posted: 02.02.2014, 21:34
by occam
Thx for the nice picture :- ) ...a related video-link:
that was a fun journey...did not have that much fun for some time...until two weeks ago, when Hawk, ZiZa, Mario and Futo took me on a little PartyTour during a beta-test of Golo's 'Nos Astra'...
...a path-finding-journey with an RPG-party is one of the things i love most within TM RPG
Posted: 03.02.2014, 02:52
by Golo
Thats always nice to hear occam
Now I wish to even have more pathfinding included on my map, makes the party even longer :D