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New RPG Server

PostPosted: 19.02.2012, 21:06
by Hokiebird
Hey guys, Hokie here.

With considerable help from Ziza, Mario, and Garfield, I have a new RPG Server. It's called Hokie's RPG Rounds. As the name implies, it's in Rounds Mode. I have carefully selected the tracks for the jukebox to exclude long and/or difficult tracks eg. Detroit and Abou Simbel 2. Right now, there are 61 tracks in the jukebox, and the hardest one is probably Abou Simbel (the original).

The rules are pretty simple: Winner gets 10 points, and you need 10 points to win. I have made it so that there is near infinite extra time (596 hours = 25 days = nearly infinite, right?) so don't worry about not having time to finish. Callvotes aren't disabled, but you will need 100% agreement to skip to the next track.


Mario was generous enough to donate a server fro me to use, so now it's online even when I'm not! The new link to join it is: tmtp://#join=xfu-oiram456

See you online!

PostPosted: 19.02.2012, 22:10
by Tabasco
Code: Select all

Forget to post serverlink??

PostPosted: 20.02.2012, 05:29
by beep
Good news for the RPG community :)

PostPosted: 20.02.2012, 07:40
by Suffer
nice thx

your link doesn't work ^^

PostPosted: 20.02.2012, 21:34
by Hokiebird
Suffer wrote:nice thx

your link doesn't work ^^

Suffer wrote:your link doesn't work ^^

Yes it does. I tried to make it clear that it's running off my personal computer. Well, my computer was turned off all day today while I was in class. It's up now.

PostPosted: 21.02.2012, 19:33
by Hokiebird
Forgot to mention: the jukebox is disabled so that tracks don't get overplayed or underplayed, but you can still skip if you have 100% agreement.