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FD"RPG - A new Titlepack RPG Server

FD"RPG - A new Titlepack RPG Server

Postby Crunch00 » 11.03.2015, 20:20

Yo guys,

our clan decided to finally set up a RPG server with the current titlepack!
We've not loaded an huge amount of plugins, so that you can enjoy clean RPG driving and path-finding. :)

Where do you find our server?
Just look in the serverbrowser of the titlepack. The server is named: FD"RPG or search after "chrno". Then it'll be listed there.

May I send in maps?
Of course. If you have a good map, we've not added already or built a map yourself, feel free to send it to Christian@dreamkeyz.de or ask an admin on the server!

So, enjoy and cu there! :)
Proud RPG driver

Currently driving for: Team Flying Dragons
Playing since: 2010
Languages: German | English
Current projects: None
Posts: 6
Joined: 22.05.2014, 18:24
Location: Germany

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