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Greetings from HawkGer

PostPosted: 09.05.2010, 22:05
by HawkGer
Hello everyone and welcome to the board. I hope we will all have a good time here =) I'm sure most of you already know me...if not, I recommend reading this interview:

Here's a pic of me as a small kid driving my grandfather's forklift 8)
And here a pic of me currently...just to confirm the suspicions of me being a robot :thumbsup:


PostPosted: 22.05.2010, 15:50
by banane
nice pics :P

PostPosted: 19.06.2010, 01:00
by Kryw
this man is crazy and sexy :p

PostPosted: 19.06.2010, 15:16
by trunks_11
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 09:48
by TITI54