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PostPosted: 26.07.2010, 20:28
by Brainmaster
Hi I'm Brainmaster. I'm actually a monkelephant but Brainmaster is my nickname.
If you never heard of monkelephants before: We are small animals wich looks like elephants but have the arms and legs of monkeys wich makes us able to jump in trees looking for food. We usually live in the woods in africa, but you can find some of us in other woods and mountains all over the world...

No, seriously :)
Hi I'm 15 years old, live in Norway
I have no job (school ofc :)
Hobbies: I draw, paint and play piano

I started playing TM long ago but discovered RPG little less than one year ago
RPG builder? You've seen that weird box haven't you? xD
Favourite RPG builder? Igntul and Kryw \o/

ASK QUESTIONS! I'll answer ;)

PostPosted: 26.07.2010, 20:37
by trunks_11
Welcome here brain

PostPosted: 27.07.2010, 08:40
by Nyrbius
Haha... Welcome monkelephant xD

PostPosted: 27.07.2010, 10:12
by Igntul
i invented the monkelephant :o
welcome :thumbsup: