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gugaruz says hi

PostPosted: 17.06.2013, 08:54
by gugaruz
Hi all,

My name is Marcel and i live in Austria.

Well, I played tm since 2006 as i can remember, but in 2010 i stopped tm, because of the 5 track/spec plugin for non united driver.
I decided to wait up for a new version. Here it comes tm2 :)
At the last weeks i played many tm2 and buyed it. The problem is the rpg builder are not many, who changed to tm2 stadium.

I want say hi to all rpg-lovers, I'm one too.
My online time is not much on tm, most is CS 1.6, but offline i drive many rpgs and have knowledge about of building one.

So i support for rpgs on tm2 because:
1) Mods are cleaner
2) overview-cam (standard on 7) is better to use and
3) the atmosphere with shadows and dark room can be used for more feeling ;)

Ok, at last i want to say my fav. Style at rpgs.
Like the name says Role Play Game.... That means for me:
1) atmosphere
2) feeling
3) landscapes and a
4) story

These are my critic points of a good rpg and not.

P.S: I hate trails :P

That was from me
I wish you all happy tracking and fun with rpgs

Sincerly gugaruz :)

PostPosted: 17.06.2013, 17:27
by Panasco
Welcome :thumbup:
You are right with TM